Steel Bender

These are just general write ups.  For how the trail is being ran on the day you sign up be sure &check the forums in the trail section on the day you sign up for.

This trail’s difficulty rating keeps moving around as the conflicting forces of erosion and trail repair modify the obstacles. The trail lies between Moab and the La Sal Mountains in the vicinity of Mill Creek, a major drainage from the mountains. It crosses the creek a few times and travels a lovely part of Mill Creek Canyon. It overlooks the North Fork of Mill Creek as it climbs to the base of South Mesa on the skirts of the La Sal Mountains. It is another variation on the canyonlands landscape, and it offers further variety to the scenery and the four-wheeling opportunities of the Moab area. The trip can be done in stock 4×4’s that have excellent clearance, but only because there are bypasses around some of the challenging spots. Approximate mileages: 30 total, 15 off highway.

Scenery: Portions of the trail are in two beautiful, but different-looking, parts of Mill Creek Canyon. Other portions ride the higher country toward the mountains and overlook canyonlands vistas toward the west from a 6,000-foot elevation.

Road Surface: The canyon-bottom trail crosses stream-washed rocks and the stream itself in a few places. The higher country has dirt and a little sand – all generously mixed with rocks and rock ledges. There is a little slickrock near the upper creek ford.

Obstacles: Mill Creek has a strong perennial flow that is highest in springtime, but the fords usually do no more than dampen your hubs. Not far above the creek is a steep, ledgy chunk of rock that may push some to the easy bypass. As the trail climbs, a succession of rock steps can be difficult for stock equipment, but each ledge area has a bypass. A couple of minor tributary canyons provide steep, rocky descents and testy climbs. Ground clearance is the name of the game. The final creek ford is followed by a short, steep climb that can get muddy and slippery.

Trail Rating: Red